For more info contact...

For more information get in touch with Alena Stranska .

Alena Stranska

Telephone: +44 (0) 1344 291901


Petrenel provides a range of services to support mergers and acquisitions and other corporate activities at all stages of the E&P life cycle. We assist our clients with identifying and screening opportunities, performing detailed due diligence and progressing towards a successful transaction.

 Through our integrated approach, Petrenel assists companies to optimize their E&P portfolio and expand their market share and to identify attractive paths to growth by selecting accretive targets and eliminating those that are unprofitable or nonstrategic.

 Petrenel contributes towards effective decision making by building commercial evaluation tools that are designed to represent project economic value to clients whilst taking into consideration risks and uncertainty.

 Using our wide knowledge and experience we construct a project framework against which to screen new opportunities, improve operations, develop an in-depth understanding of risk and create a sustainable business.

Our Services


  • Portfolio Valuation & Optimisation
  • License Application
  • E&P Decision Strategy [Example]


  • Acquisition or Divestment Strategy  [Example]
  • Opportunity Identication & Evaluation [Example]
  • Technical Due Diligence
  • Commercial Due Diligence
  • Data Room Management
  • Sales Documents


  • Regional Oil and Gas Studies [Example]
  • Market Evaluations
  • Market Entry Studies